Strychnos nux-vomica has a bitter taste, cold property, and strong toxicity. The medicinal uses include reducing rheumatism and pained arms, pained nerve, pimples, inflammation, etc. In modern medicine, it has the following effects:
– Stimulating the nervous system when used in small doses. However, high doses may lead to convulsion.
– Stimulating gastric juice and promoting metabolic rate. However, using fresh seeds may cause digestive disorders.
– Strychnine in these seeds can increase excitability in the central nervous system. High doses may lead to poisoning, posing a danger to health and even resulting in death.
– Relieving cough and expelling sputum.
With such effects, it is used as a stimulant for the nervous system and to enhance muscle strength, treat paralysis, enhance medulla reflex, reduce intestinal motility,…
Strychnos nux-vomica
In modern medicine, strychnos is used as a nerve stimulant to increase spinal reflexes, strengthen and nourish muscles, treat paralysis, and reduce intestinal motility. The ripe seeds of the strychnos plant are the part used as medicine. The seeds are round, reddish brown, bitter and aromatic. After harvesting, they are dried in the sunshine or with dryers to make medicine.